Friday, 7 September 2012

Tesco brewing in Whitstable High Street?

There was a Twitter rumour this week that the recently-shut Clinton Cards in Whitstable High Street is going to become a Tesco coffee shop.
As a coffee bar frequenter myself I felt moved to check this out and this is what I found: planning permission is being sought from Canterbury City Council for two illuminated signs at the premises. No mention of Tesco in the application, though, as the applicants are named as Harris and Hoole Baristas. But with a bit more delving on the internet I discovered that this is the name of a new 'artisan' chain of coffee bars being launched by a partnership including (you've guessed it!) Tesco.
The majority partner is a family who have set up a chain of upmarket coffee outlets in London called Taylor Street. The first couple of Harris and Hoole cafes were due to open in Amersham and Uxbridge by the end of August, and there are talks going on now to buy several empty Clintons shops.
So there you have it. Sort-of Tesco....49% Tesco...
I guess there must be a thirst for yet more coffee in Whitstable or these guys wouldn't be thinking of coming but, just two doors along, the independent Olivia's cafe closed down a couple of weeks ago.

Changes at Budgens

While on the subject of supermarkets, I called in at Budgens for a couple of items after looking at the ex-Clintons.
This is a franchised store which was taken over earlier this year by the family who run the Londis shop at Blean which has won them national awards.
Some changes have been made to Budgens already (they say they have reduced 263 prices) and customers have been invited to fill in feedback forms about what they want.
But next week the store will close completely for two days, Wednesday and Thursday, for a major revamp.


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